Saturday, August 26, 2006


Ah, I have my first "known" visitor at Towamensing. Welcome, Milton. Most blogs, most by far, begin as very private matters, and then over time, perhaps, a small coterie of readers gather. Or perhaps not. This particular blog, for instance, is not likely to gather a crowd. I mean, what's all this stuff about coal mines and all?

Well, to explain, I'm thinking about writing a novel, and the novel is to take place in the mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania--affectionately known as the coal region to some. So just now I'm doing a little research on the region, which happens to be where I grew up. Other topics, many other topics, will pop up as time (and blogging) goes on, but for now my fascination is with all things anthracite.

See, this tinkering with a novel is something anyone can do. It doesn't mean they have to get it published or even finish writing it, because the process is kind of fun in itself. Kind of like doing one of those tricky little number puzzles on the comics page of your newspaper, only far more complicated. As this blog goes one elements of the story I have in mind will gradually become clear, and I'll probably do some "creative writing" (as we were taught to call it back in high school) after a while, but for now I'm just kind of exploring the place of the novel--what I'm calling Towamensing.

And btw, Milton, thanks for stopping by.

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